eg: Memorial Scholarship
eg: Accounting, Nursing, Computer Science
eg: University of Toronto
eg: National Union

How To Stick To Your New Year's Resolutions

Here are a few tips towards letting you conquer your goals for the New Year.


Making New Year's resolutions always seems easy during those carefree first days of January, but by the time June rolls around, a fair amount of resolutions have been forgotten. It's easy to let resolutions fall to the wayside if you don't properly figure out a road map towards success. With that in mind, here are a few tips towards letting you conquer your goals for the New Year.

Tip 1 - Ask yourself why

The first step to a successful new year's resolution is figuring out why you want to undertake it. If your resolution is easy to articulate and achievable, then you're already on your way. Clearly defining what you want to do makes the rest of these steps easier. If your resolution doesn't have clear objectives, take a minute and reframe your plan so that they make more sense when you put it into action.

Tip 2 - Make your resolutions manageable

One of the biggest pitfalls you can encounter when trying to stick to your resolutions is to bite off more than you can chew. Being able to keep your resolutions manageable means that you can see yourself reaching that point. When crafting your resolution, always ask yourself if it's achievable in the time frame you've set up. If it's not, then it's time to scale your goal down to a more reasonable level. Remember, taking the first step is better than taking no steps at all - don't be disappointed if you have to scale down, as achieving a smaller goal is better than not achieving anything at all.

Tip 3 - Keep a schedule

Success is partly dependent on keeping yourself on track. Once you've made your resolutions manageable, it's time to break it up and set milestones at regular intervals. Creating a schedule lets you feel like you're accomplishing something through meeting your milestones - it's then easier to feel like you're getting somewhere!

Step 4 - Reward yourself

Sticking to a resolution isn't just all about work - you should make sure to reward yourself in the process! Some positive reinforcement for a job well done never hurts. Hitting your milestones should be considered an event worth celebrating. Being good to yourself allows you to continue your journey towards achieving your end goal.

With these tips in mind, we hope that you conquer your resolutions, no matter what they may be!

Modified on January 05, 2017

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